Have your own VPN cloud yet? Now, you can build your virtual private cloud using our latest NeoRouter Free v0.9.8. With this release, NeoRouter becomes a cross-platform remote access and VPN solution. You can easily create a seamless virtulal network across Windows, Mac, Linux and devices (supporting OpenWrt, Tomato and FON firmware), so you can share printers and files across all of your computers or access them remotely from anywhere. Check out the following screenshots.
Thanks to our users and testers for providing so many good suggestions, and thanks to the NeoRouter team for their hard work. The NeoRouter software already has a rich feature set, which meets most requirements from our small business and home users. The more importantly it gets more stable and more mature after the improvement in the past year. We would plan to provide professional services and customized solution in the near future.
Tell your friends about NeoRouter. And tell us what you need, we will give you the most useful VPN solution.